At LAX - finished recording album no.2!!!! Haven’t slept much the last few months.. probably get on a 13hr 50min flight now, that should sort us out..

Safely arrived in Brisbane having missed a day of this week out somehow. Think the International Date Line is to blame, the thief!!
Straight to the hotel to dump our bags then off to the festival site to sound-check. We haven’t done a gig for 10 months!! Tonight we’ll have a few ‘welcome’ drinks and get a fairly early night in preparation for tomorrow’s gig. We’ll be drinking a cocktail of excitement and apprehension with a splash of jet lag.. pretty strange mix!

Meet what they call a ‘rock doc’ who is administering vitamin B12 injections to the bands to help with jet lag and give us our energy back.. we’re not the biggest fans of needles!!! We were all very brave boys! We then had an acoustic practice in Murph’s hotel room to get us in the swing of things. Murph’s boxies have sprouted arms and legs and conduct us. We don’t miss a beat!
Murph nearly throws up before the gig, our adrenalin levels reach highs we haven’t experienced in a long time.. the crowd starts chanting.. wombats, wombats.. here we go!!!! Just like riding a super charged sub woofing bike..

Pulled it off!! The Ozzies are amazing (thanks to all of you for making our first gig back so enjoyable!)..total legends! Off to Perth tomorrow, if every gig is like Brisbane then these next 2 weeks should be pretty smart.
Love you all,
The Bats x