Tord rocking hard!

What a crowd..

Post Jig Cool Down in Washington DC..

Sweaty Club show in Phili!

Ding Dang Dong...

Hammer Time.

You guys are like 'totally' out of control!

Tord spots a squirrel..

Tord chases the unsuspecting, yet nimble little squirrel..

He gets close..

Come here little squirrel, Tordy wants a squirrel burger...

Tord walks away defeated after his attempted squirrel chase..

Tord gets his frustration of 'not catching that bloomin squirrel' out.

Thanks Charlottesville...

Local 506, Chapel Hill

Local 506, Chapel Hill

Local 506, Chapel Hill

The Loft, Atlanta

The Loft, Atlanta

The Loft, Atlanta

The Loft, Atlanta

The Loft, Atlanta

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston

WFNX Radio session, Boston
The Wombats have been touring the US recently, check out some photos from their time across the pond so far above!
Some photos courtesy of © Chelsea Pieroni and Dan Harr/SplashNews/MusicNewsNashville